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Convert fenced svgbob code blocks to svg images.


Convert-SvgbobToSvg [-InputObject] <Hashtable> [-SiteDirectory] <String> [[-Options] <Object>]


Scans the input data (lines of Markdown text) for svgbob fenced code blocks and converts them to a Markdown style image link to a svg file containing the rendered diagram.

Svgbob code blocks define human readable diagrams and are labeled as `bob`. For example:

``` Markdown

      +------+   .-. 
 o----| elem |--( ; )--| n |----o
      +------+   '-'   +---+


The generated svg file is put right next to the HTML file currently being assembled and named after that HTML file with an unique index appended.



Convert-MarkdownToHTMLFragment -InputObject $md -Split | Convert-SvgbobToSvg -SiteDirectory $site -RelativePath $relativePath

Read Markdown content from the file `$md` and replace all fenced code blocks marled as `bob` with Markdown style image links to the svg version of the diagram. The conversion is performed using default svg rendering options.


`$site` : Is the absolute path to the HTML site's root directory

`$relativePath` : is the relative path of the HTML file currently being assembled below `$site`.

`$md` : is a Markdown file `` which contains a fenced svgbob diagram: ``` Markdown Some text ...

~~~ bob
      +------+   .-.

+---+ o----| elem |--( ; )--| n |----o +------+ '-' +---+ ~~~

Some more text ...

this fragment is converted to:

  • A file `test1.svg` which is placed right next to the html file `test.html` which is going to be created by `Publish-StaticHtmlSite` in a subsequent stage of the conversion pipeline. The numerical postfix is the index of the Svgbob diagram in the fragment. The svg image renders as:

~~~ bob +------+ .-. +---+ o----| elem |--( ; )--| n |----o +------+ '-' +---+ ~~~

  • An updated html fragment where the fenced Svgbob diagram is replaced with a reference to the svg image.

~~~ html Some text ...

\<img src='test1.svg' alt='Diagram 1.' />

Some more text ... ~~~



{{ Fill InputObject Description }}

Type: System.Collections.Hashtable
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: HtmlFragment

Required: True
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False


Location of the static HTML site. The Svg file will be generated relative to this path.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: True
Position: 2
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Svg conversion options. An object or hashtable with follwing properties or keys:

Property Description
`background` Diagram background color (default: white)
`fill_color` Fill color for solid shapes (default: black)
`font_family` Text font (default: monospace)
`font_size` Text font size (default 14)
`scale` Diagram scale (default: 1)
`stroke_width` Stroke width for all lines (default: 2)

When using conversion projects instantiated by `New-StaticHTMLSiteProject` these parameters are configured in `Build.json` parameter section `svgbob`.

Type: System.Object
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: 3
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.


HTML fragment objects emitted by Convert-MarkdownToHTMLFragment with

the -Split switch or equivalent objects.


Lines of Markdown text where all fenced code blocks labelled bob are


The svg conversion is performed by the external utility `svgbob.exe` which is packaged with this module. `svgbob.exe` is a [Rust]( [crate]( which can be installed from [](


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