Convert fenced svgbob code blocks to svg images.
Convert-SvgbobToSvg [-InputObject] <Hashtable> [-SiteDirectory] <String> [[-Options] <Object>]
Scans the input data (lines of Markdown text) for svgbob fenced code blocks and converts them to a Markdown style image link to a svg file containing the rendered diagram.
Svgbob code blocks define human readable diagrams and are labeled as `bob`. For example:
``` Markdown
+------+ .-.
o----| elem |--( ; )--| n |----o
+------+ '-' +---+
The generated svg file is put right next to the HTML file currently being assembled and named after that HTML file with an unique index appended.
Convert-MarkdownToHTMLFragment -InputObject $md -Split | Convert-SvgbobToSvg -SiteDirectory $site -RelativePath $relativePath
Read Markdown content from the file `$md` and replace all fenced code blocks marled as `bob` with Markdown style image links to the svg version of the diagram. The conversion is performed using default svg rendering options.
`$site` : Is the absolute path to the HTML site's root directory
`$relativePath` : is the relative path of the HTML file currently being assembled below `$site`.
`$md` : is a Markdown file `` which contains a fenced svgbob diagram: ``` Markdown Some text ...
~~~ bob
+------+ .-.
+---+ o----| elem |--( ; )--| n |----o +------+ '-' +---+ ~~~
Some more text ...
this fragment is converted to:
- A file `test1.svg` which is placed right next to the html file `test.html` which is going to be created by `Publish-StaticHtmlSite` in a subsequent stage of the conversion pipeline. The numerical postfix is the index of the Svgbob diagram in the fragment. The svg image renders as:
~~~ bob +------+ .-. +---+ o----| elem |--( ; )--| n |----o +------+ '-' +---+ ~~~
- An updated html fragment where the fenced Svgbob diagram is replaced with a reference to the svg image.
~~~ html Some text ...
\<img src='test1.svg' alt='Diagram 1.' />
Some more text ... ~~~
{{ Fill InputObject Description }}
Type: System.Collections.Hashtable
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: HtmlFragment
Required: True
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False
Location of the static HTML site. The Svg file will be generated relative to this path.
Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: True
Position: 2
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Svg conversion options. An object or hashtable with follwing properties or keys:
Property | Description |
`background` | Diagram background color (default: white) |
`fill_color` | Fill color for solid shapes (default: black) |
`font_family` | Text font (default: monospace) |
`font_size` | Text font size (default 14) |
`scale` | Diagram scale (default: 1) |
`stroke_width` | Stroke width for all lines (default: 2) |
When using conversion projects instantiated by `New-StaticHTMLSiteProject` these parameters are configured in `Build.json` parameter section `svgbob`.
Type: System.Object
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 3
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.
HTML fragment objects emitted by Convert-MarkdownToHTMLFragment
the -Split
switch or equivalent objects.
Lines of Markdown text where all fenced code blocks labelled bob
replaced by Markdown style image links to svg files.
The svg conversion is performed by the external utility `svgbob.exe` which is packaged with this module. `svgbob.exe` is a [Rust]( [crate]( which can be installed from [](