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Finds Microsoft Graph permissions based on search criteria.


Find-MgGraphPermission [-SearchString] <String> [-ExactMatch] [-PermissionType <String>] [-Online]


Find-MgGraphPermission [-PermissionType <String>] [-Online] [-All] [<CommonParameters>]


For an application to access Microsoft Graph data, it must be granted consent for permissions to access that data by the user of the application or an administrator. Find-MgGraphPermission finds such permissions that match specified criteria. It returns information about each matching permission including the name of the permission, its unique identifier, and a description of the Microsoft Graph data access granted by that permission.

The information returned by this command enables you to quickly identify the permission required for a script or application to access the particular types of data through Microsoft Graph. Once you've used the command to identify the permissions, you can use the names of those permission as a parameter to the Connect-MgGraph command to request the permission so that subsequent PowerShell commands or scripts may access the desired data from Microsoft Graph for instance. The unique identifier of a permission may also be used to configure consent for an application through additional PowerShell commands or other custom applications.

Full details for all of the possible permissions and the access they authorize, including how to ensure that your application or script follows the best security pratice of using the least privilege necessary are found in the Microsoft Graph Permissions Reference documenation at

In order to search for the specified permissions, Find-MgGraphPermission uses Microsoft Graph itself to obtain the latest complete set of permissions; if it is not able to access Microsoft Graph, the command then uses its most recent copy of the information as the source of data.

Note that the results of Find-MgGraphPermission grouped by Delegated and Application permission types, and then sorted by permission name. They are not sorted by least-privileged access, so when multiple permissions appear to satisfy your script or application's requirements, consult the Microsoft Graph Permissions Reference documentation to identify the least-privileged permission for your use case.




This returns all of the possible permissions for Microsoft Graph.


Find-MgGraphPermission mailbox

PermissionType: Delegated

Id Consent Name Description -- ------- ---- ----------- 87f447af-9fa4-4c32-9dfa-4a57a73d18ce User MailboxSettings.Read Allows the app to read your mailbox settings. 818c620a-27a9-40bd-a6a5-d96f7d610b4b User MailboxSettings.ReadWrite Allows the app to read, update, create, and del…

PermissionType: Application

Id Consent Name Description -- ------- ---- ----------- 40f97065-369a-49f4-947c-6a255697ae91 Admin MailboxSettings.Read Allows the app to read user's mailbox settings … 6931bccd-447a-43d1-b442-00a195474933 Admin MailboxSettings.ReadWrite Allows the app to create, read, update, and del…

PS> Connect-MgGraph -Scopes MailboxSettings.Read

In this example the value 'mailbox' was specified for the SearchString parameter. The resulting output showed the list of permissions grouped by Delegated or Application permission type. By viewing the output, the user is able to see that the desired delegated permission is 'MailboxSettings.Read'. The user then invokes the Connect-MgGraph command specifying that permission name for the value of the Scopes parameter in order to request the permission as part of a new sign-in. Subsequent PowerShell commands issued in the session that access Microsoft Graph will then be authorized with the permission if the sign-in was successful.


Find-MgGraphPermission User.Read -ExactMatch -PermissionType Delegated

PermissionType: Delegated

Id Consent Name Description -- ------- ---- ----------- e1fe6dd8-ba31-4d61-89e7-88639da4683d User User.Read Allows you to sign in to the app with your organizational accou…

In this example the PermissionType parameter restricts the output to only delegated permissions, and by specifying the ExactMatch parameter only permissions that exactly match the specified name are emitted.


'User.Read.All', 'Group.Read.All' | Find-MgGraphPermission -ExactMatch -PermissionType Application | Select-Object Id


df021288-bdef-4463-88db-98f22de89214 5b567255-7703-4780-807c-7be8301ae99b

This example demonstrates that ability to pass the SearchString parameter as pipeline input. In this case, the issued command returns the unique identifiers of the two permissions listed in the pipeline, 'User.Read.All' and 'Group.Read.All'. The PermissionType parameter was included with a value of Application to ensure that only application permissions were emitted, and ExactMatch ensures that the intent of emitting output just for these specific permissions and not some that might match their names partially is honored.


Find-MgGraphPermission mailbox | Where-Object PermissionType -eq Delegated | Format-List Name, Description

Name : MailboxSettings.Read Description : Allows the app to read your mailbox settings.

Name : MailboxSettings.ReadWrite Description : Allows the app to read, update, create, and delete your mailbox settings

This example outputs the set of delegated permissions that match the 'mailbox' SearchString parameter. The Where-Object command is used to filter the permissions to only the delegated permissions through the PermissionType property. The filtered result is piped to the Format-List command so that the output of the Description field is not truncated as it would be in the default table view.



The SearchString parameter allows you to specify a string such as 'user' or 'mail' that represents the subject or domain of the permission you're searching for. Since permissions usually have names such as 'User.Read' or 'Mail.ReadWrite', the command uses the SearchString parameter to return all permissions that contain the value specified for SearchString in the name of the permission.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: Search

Required: True
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specify the ExactMatch parameter to restrict the permissions emitted to those that exactly match the value specified for SearchString.

Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: Search

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specify the PermissionType to determine whether application permissions, delegated permisisons, or both are returned by Find-MgGraphPermission. By default, the value of this parameter is Any, which includes both delegated and application permissions. Other valid values for PermissionType are Application and Delegated to return those specify types of permissions.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: Any
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specify the Online parameter in addition to SearchString to force Find-MgGraphPermission to update its set of permissions by requesting the latest permissions data from Microsoft Graph itself before searching for the permissions specified the SearchString parameter. This ensures that Find-MgGraphPermission returns the most accurate search results as new permissions are added to Microsoft Graph for new APIs. The command uses the existing access to Microsoft Graph as enabled by a previous invocation of the Connect-MgGraph command to issue the request for updated permissions. If your current connection does not already have access to read this data from Microsoft Graph or if there is no network connectivity to Microsoft Graph, the command will fail. If the command is successful in updating the set of permissions prior to searching for permissions, Find-MgGraphPermission will continue to use the updated list for all future invocations of the command even if they do not specify the Online parameter.

Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


To return all possible permissions rather than just those that match the SearchString parameter, specify the All parameter. The All parameter may also be used with the PermissionType to enumerate all applicaition permissions or all delegated permissions.

Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: All

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.


You can pipe permission names in the form of strings to Find-MgGraphPermission.


This command returns a collection of items with the following fields:

* Name: The name of the permission as found in Microsoft Graph permissions reference documentation. Names will typically

have a form like 'User.Read.All', or 'Files.ReadWrite' for instance.

* Description: Provides a description of what access is granted by the permission

* Id: The unique identifier for the permission in the form of a Guid. The unique identifier is required for using

* PermissionType: Valid values are 'Delegated' or 'Application' depending on whether the permission is one that is delegated by


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