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Returns unique items from a sorted list.


AsString (Default)

Get-Unique [-InputObject <PSObject>] [-AsString] [<CommonParameters>]


Get-Unique [-InputObject <PSObject>] [-OnType] [<CommonParameters>]


The `Get-Unique` cmdlet compares each item in a sorted list to the next item, eliminates duplicates, and returns only one instance of each item. The list must be sorted for the cmdlet to work properly.

`Get-Unique` is case-sensitive. As a result, strings that differ only in character casing are considered to be unique.


Example 1: Get unique words in a text file

$A = $( foreach ($line in Get-Content C:\Test1\File1.txt) {
    $line.tolower().split(" ")
  }) | Sort-Object | Get-Unique

The first command gets the content of the File.txt file. It converts each line of text to lowercase letters and then splits each word onto a separate line at the space (" "). Then, it sorts the resulting list alphabetically (the default) and uses the `Get-Unique` cmdlet to eliminate any duplicate words. The results are stored in the `$A` variable.

The second command uses the Count property of the collection of strings in `$A` to determine how many items are in `$A`.

Example 2: Get unique integers in an array

1,1,1,1,12,23,4,5,4643,5,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 | Sort-Object | Get-Unique


The first command takes an array of integers typed at the command line, pipes them to the `Sort-Object` cmdlet to be sorted, and then pipes them to `Get-Unique`, which eliminates duplicate entries.

Example 3: Get unique object types in a directory

Get-ChildItem | Sort-Object {$_.GetType()} | Get-Unique -OnType

The pipeline operator (|) sends the results to the `Sort-Object` cmdlet. The `$_.GetType()` statement applies the GetType method to each file or directory. Then, `Sort-Object` sorts the items by type. Another pipeline operator sends the results to `Get-Unique`. The OnType parameter directs `Get-Unique` to return only one object of each type.

Example 4: Get unique processes

Get-Process | Sort-Object | Select-Object processname | Get-Unique -AsString

The `Get-Process` command gets all of the processes on the computer. The pipeline operator (|) passes the result to `Sort-Object`, which, by default, sorts the processes alphabetically by ProcessName. The results are piped to the `Select-Object` cmdlet, which selects only the values of the ProcessName property of each object. The results are then piped to `Get-Unique` to eliminate duplicates.

The AsString parameter tells `Get-Unique` to treat the ProcessName values as strings. Without this parameter, `Get-Unique` treats the ProcessName values as objects and returns only one instance of the object, that is, the first process name in the list.



Indicates that this cmdlet uses the data as a string. Without this parameter, data is treated as an object, so when you submit a collection of objects of the same type to `Get-Unique`, such as a collection of files, it returns just one (the first). You can use this parameter to find the unique values of object properties, such as the file names.

Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: AsString

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies input for `Get-Unique`. Enter a variable that contains the objects or type a command or expression that gets the objects.

This cmdlet treats the input submitted by using InputObject as a collection. it does not enumerate individual items in the collection. Because the collection is a single item, input submitted by using InputObject is always returned unchanged.

Type: System.Management.Automation.PSObject
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False


Indicates that this cmdlet returns only one object of each type.

Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: UniqueByType

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.



You can pipe any type of object to `Get-Unique`.



The type of object that `Get-Unique` returns is determined by the input.


You can also refer to `Get-Unique` by its built-in alias, `gu`. For more information, see about_Aliases (../Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/

To sort a list, use Sort-Object. You can also use the Unique parameter of `Sort-Object` to find the unique items in a list.



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