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Adds a Gmail label


New-GSGmailLabel [-Name] <String> [-LabelListVisibility <String>] [-MessageListVisibility <String>]
 [-BackgroundColor <String>] [-TextColor <String>] [-User <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Adds a Gmail label



New-GSGmailLabel -Name Label1

Adds the label "Label1" to the AdminEmail



The name of the label to add

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: True
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


The visibility of the label in the label list in the Gmail web interface.

Acceptable values are: * "labelHide": Do not show the label in the label list. * "labelShow": Show the label in the label list. (Default) * "labelShowIfUnread": Show the label if there are any unread messages with that label.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: LabelShow
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


The visibility of messages with this label in the message list in the Gmail web interface.

Acceptable values are: * "hide": Do not show the label in the message list. * "show": Show the label in the message list. (Default)

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: Show
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


The background color of the label

Options and their corresponding hex code:

Amethyst            = '#8e63ce'
BananaMania         = '#fce8b3'
Bermuda             = '#68dfa9'
BilobaFlower        = '#b694e8'
Black               = '#000000'
BlueRomance         = '#c6f3de'
BrandyPunch         = '#cf8933'
BurntSienna         = '#e66550'
Cadillac            = '#b65775'
Camelot             = '#83334c'
CeruleanBlue        = '#285bac'
ChathamsBlue        = '#1c4587'
Concrete            = '#f3f3f3'
CornflowerBlue      = '#4a86e8'
LightCornflowerBlue = '#6d9eeb'
CreamCan            = '#f2c960'
Cupid               = '#fbc8d9'
DeepBlush           = '#e07798'
Desert              = '#a46a21'
DoveGray            = '#666666'
DustyGray           = '#999999'
Eucalyptus          = '#2a9c68'
Flesh               = '#ffd6a2'
FringyFlower        = '#b9e4d0'
Gallery             = '#efefef'
Goldenrod           = '#fad165'
Illusion            = '#f7a7c0'
Jewel               = '#1a764d'
Koromiko            = '#ffbc6b'
LightMountainMeadow = '#16a766'
LightShamrock       = '#43d692'
LuxorGold           = '#aa8831'
MandysPink          = '#f6c5be'
MediumPurple        = '#a479e2'
Meteorite           = '#41236d'
MoonRaker           = '#d0bcf1'
LightMoonRaker      = '#e4d7f5'
MountainMeadow      = '#149e60'
Oasis               = '#fef1d1'
OceanGreen          = '#44b984'
OldGold             = '#d5ae49'
Perano              = '#a4c2f4'
PersianPink         = '#f691b3'
PigPink             = '#fcdee8'
Pueblo              = '#822111'
RedOrange           = '#fb4c2f'
RoyalBlue           = '#3c78d8'
RoyalPurple         = '#653e9b'
Salem               = '#0b804b'
Salomie             = '#fcda83'
SeaPink             = '#efa093'
Shamrock            = '#3dc789'
Silver              = '#cccccc'
Tabasco             = '#ac2b16'
Tequila             = '#ffe6c7'
Thunderbird         = '#cc3a21'
TropicalBlue        = '#c9daf8'
TulipTree           = '#eaa041'
Tundora             = '#434343'
VistaBlue           = '#89d3b2'
Watercourse         = '#076239'
WaterLeaf           = '#a0eac9'
White               = '#ffffff'
YellowOrange        = '#ffad47'
Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


The text color of the label

Options and their corresponding hex code:

Amethyst            = '#8e63ce'
BananaMania         = '#fce8b3'
Bermuda             = '#68dfa9'
BilobaFlower        = '#b694e8'
Black               = '#000000'
BlueRomance         = '#c6f3de'
BrandyPunch         = '#cf8933'
BurntSienna         = '#e66550'
Cadillac            = '#b65775'
Camelot             = '#83334c'
CeruleanBlue        = '#285bac'
ChathamsBlue        = '#1c4587'
Concrete            = '#f3f3f3'
CornflowerBlue      = '#4a86e8'
LightCornflowerBlue = '#6d9eeb'
CreamCan            = '#f2c960'
Cupid               = '#fbc8d9'
DeepBlush           = '#e07798'
Desert              = '#a46a21'
DoveGray            = '#666666'
DustyGray           = '#999999'
Eucalyptus          = '#2a9c68'
Flesh               = '#ffd6a2'
FringyFlower        = '#b9e4d0'
Gallery             = '#efefef'
Goldenrod           = '#fad165'
Illusion            = '#f7a7c0'
Jewel               = '#1a764d'
Koromiko            = '#ffbc6b'
LightMountainMeadow = '#16a766'
LightShamrock       = '#43d692'
LuxorGold           = '#aa8831'
MandysPink          = '#f6c5be'
MediumPurple        = '#a479e2'
Meteorite           = '#41236d'
MoonRaker           = '#d0bcf1'
LightMoonRaker      = '#e4d7f5'
MountainMeadow      = '#149e60'
Oasis               = '#fef1d1'
OceanGreen          = '#44b984'
OldGold             = '#d5ae49'
Perano              = '#a4c2f4'
PersianPink         = '#f691b3'
PigPink             = '#fcdee8'
Pueblo              = '#822111'
RedOrange           = '#fb4c2f'
RoyalBlue           = '#3c78d8'
RoyalPurple         = '#653e9b'
Salem               = '#0b804b'
Salomie             = '#fcda83'
SeaPink             = '#efa093'
Shamrock            = '#3dc789'
Silver              = '#cccccc'
Tabasco             = '#ac2b16'
Tequila             = '#ffe6c7'
Thunderbird         = '#cc3a21'
TropicalBlue        = '#c9daf8'
TulipTree           = '#eaa041'
Tundora             = '#434343'
VistaBlue           = '#89d3b2'
Watercourse         = '#076239'
WaterLeaf           = '#a0eac9'
White               = '#ffffff'
YellowOrange        = '#ffad47'
Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


The primary email of the user to add the label to

Defaults to the AdminEmail user

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: PrimaryEmail, UserKey, Mail

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: $Script:PSGSuite.AdminEmail
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.





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