Updates Gmail label information for the specified labelid
Update-GSGmailLabel [-LabelId] <String[]> [[-LabelListVisibility] <String>] [[-MessageListVisibility] <String>]
[[-Name] <String>] [-BackgroundColor <String>] [-TextColor <String>] [-User <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Updates Gmail label information for the specified labelid
Update-GSGmailLabel -User user@domain.com -LabelId Label_79 -BackgroundColor Black -TextColor Bermuda
Updates the specified Gmail label with new background and text colors
Get-GSGmailLabel | Where-Object {$_.LabelListVisibility -eq 'labelShowIfUnread'} | Update-GSGmailLabel -LabelListVisibility labelShow -BackgroundColor Bermuda -TextColor Tundora
Updates all labels with LabelListVisibility of 'labelShowIfUnread' with new background and text colors and sets all of them to always show
The unique Id of the label to update
Type: System.String[]
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: Id
Required: True
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False
The visibility of the label in the label list in the Gmail web interface.
Acceptable values are: * "labelHide": Do not show the label in the label list. * "labelShow": Show the label in the label list. (Default) * "labelShowIfUnread": Show the label if there are any unread messages with that label.
Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 2
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
The visibility of messages with this label in the message list in the Gmail web interface.
Acceptable values are: * "hide": Do not show the label in the message list. * "show": Show the label in the message list. (Default)
Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 3
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
The display name of the label
Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 4
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
The background color of the label
Options and their corresponding hex code:
Amethyst = '#8e63ce'
BananaMania = '#fce8b3'
Bermuda = '#68dfa9'
BilobaFlower = '#b694e8'
Black = '#000000'
BlueRomance = '#c6f3de'
BrandyPunch = '#cf8933'
BurntSienna = '#e66550'
Cadillac = '#b65775'
Camelot = '#83334c'
CeruleanBlue = '#285bac'
ChathamsBlue = '#1c4587'
Concrete = '#f3f3f3'
CornflowerBlue = '#4a86e8'
LightCornflowerBlue = '#6d9eeb'
CreamCan = '#f2c960'
Cupid = '#fbc8d9'
DeepBlush = '#e07798'
Desert = '#a46a21'
DoveGray = '#666666'
DustyGray = '#999999'
Eucalyptus = '#2a9c68'
Flesh = '#ffd6a2'
FringyFlower = '#b9e4d0'
Gallery = '#efefef'
Goldenrod = '#fad165'
Illusion = '#f7a7c0'
Jewel = '#1a764d'
Koromiko = '#ffbc6b'
LightMountainMeadow = '#16a766'
LightShamrock = '#43d692'
LuxorGold = '#aa8831'
MandysPink = '#f6c5be'
MediumPurple = '#a479e2'
Meteorite = '#41236d'
MoonRaker = '#d0bcf1'
LightMoonRaker = '#e4d7f5'
MountainMeadow = '#149e60'
Oasis = '#fef1d1'
OceanGreen = '#44b984'
OldGold = '#d5ae49'
Perano = '#a4c2f4'
PersianPink = '#f691b3'
PigPink = '#fcdee8'
Pueblo = '#822111'
RedOrange = '#fb4c2f'
RoyalBlue = '#3c78d8'
RoyalPurple = '#653e9b'
Salem = '#0b804b'
Salomie = '#fcda83'
SeaPink = '#efa093'
Shamrock = '#3dc789'
Silver = '#cccccc'
Tabasco = '#ac2b16'
Tequila = '#ffe6c7'
Thunderbird = '#cc3a21'
TropicalBlue = '#c9daf8'
TulipTree = '#eaa041'
Tundora = '#434343'
VistaBlue = '#89d3b2'
Watercourse = '#076239'
WaterLeaf = '#a0eac9'
White = '#ffffff'
YellowOrange = '#ffad47'
Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
The text color of the label
Options and their corresponding hex code:
Amethyst = '#8e63ce'
BananaMania = '#fce8b3'
Bermuda = '#68dfa9'
BilobaFlower = '#b694e8'
Black = '#000000'
BlueRomance = '#c6f3de'
BrandyPunch = '#cf8933'
BurntSienna = '#e66550'
Cadillac = '#b65775'
Camelot = '#83334c'
CeruleanBlue = '#285bac'
ChathamsBlue = '#1c4587'
Concrete = '#f3f3f3'
CornflowerBlue = '#4a86e8'
LightCornflowerBlue = '#6d9eeb'
CreamCan = '#f2c960'
Cupid = '#fbc8d9'
DeepBlush = '#e07798'
Desert = '#a46a21'
DoveGray = '#666666'
DustyGray = '#999999'
Eucalyptus = '#2a9c68'
Flesh = '#ffd6a2'
FringyFlower = '#b9e4d0'
Gallery = '#efefef'
Goldenrod = '#fad165'
Illusion = '#f7a7c0'
Jewel = '#1a764d'
Koromiko = '#ffbc6b'
LightMountainMeadow = '#16a766'
LightShamrock = '#43d692'
LuxorGold = '#aa8831'
MandysPink = '#f6c5be'
MediumPurple = '#a479e2'
Meteorite = '#41236d'
MoonRaker = '#d0bcf1'
LightMoonRaker = '#e4d7f5'
MountainMeadow = '#149e60'
Oasis = '#fef1d1'
OceanGreen = '#44b984'
OldGold = '#d5ae49'
Perano = '#a4c2f4'
PersianPink = '#f691b3'
PigPink = '#fcdee8'
Pueblo = '#822111'
RedOrange = '#fb4c2f'
RoyalBlue = '#3c78d8'
RoyalPurple = '#653e9b'
Salem = '#0b804b'
Salomie = '#fcda83'
SeaPink = '#efa093'
Shamrock = '#3dc789'
Silver = '#cccccc'
Tabasco = '#ac2b16'
Tequila = '#ffe6c7'
Thunderbird = '#cc3a21'
TropicalBlue = '#c9daf8'
TulipTree = '#eaa041'
Tundora = '#434343'
VistaBlue = '#89d3b2'
Watercourse = '#076239'
WaterLeaf = '#a0eac9'
White = '#ffffff'
YellowOrange = '#ffad47'
Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
The user to update label information for
Defaults to the AdminEmail user
Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: PrimaryEmail, UserKey, Mail
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: $Script:PSGSuite.AdminEmail
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.