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Create icon from the FontAwesome pack


New-UDIcon [-Id <String>] [-Icon <FontAwesomeIcons>] [-FixedWidth] [-Inverse] [-Rotation <Int32>]
 [[-ClassName] <String>] [-Transform <String>] [[-Flip] <String>] [-Pull <String>] [-ListItem] [-Spin]
 [-Border] [-Pulse] [-Size <String>] [-Style <Hashtable>] [-Title <String>] [-Regular]
 [[-Color] <DashboardColor>] [<CommonParameters>]


This command will generate an svg icon from the FontAwesome library, this icons comes from the Solid,Brand and regular packages. The library include 1300+ icons.


Example 1

New-UDIcon -Icon box -Style @{color = '#000'} -Id 'test-icon-button'

Create icon with the default size sm and it has black color.

Example 2

New-UDIcon -Icon spinner -Size 3x -Style @{color = '#000'} -Id 'test-icon-button' -Spin

Create icon that has spin animation.

Example 3

New-UDIcon -Icon angry -Size 3x -Style @{color = '#000'} -Id 'test-icon-button' -Regular

Create angry icon that have a size of 3 and black color, and also this icon is from the FontAwesome regular pack ( semi light ) style.



set square border around the icon

Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Add custom css class name

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: 3
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


The color of the icon.

Type: UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: 10
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


set the icons to the same fixed width

Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Flip horizontally, vertically, or both

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Accepted values: horizontal, vertical, both

Required: False
Position: 5
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


```yaml Type: FontAwesomeIcons Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Accepted values: None, ad, address_book, address_card, adjust, air_freshener, align_center, align_justify, align_left, align_right, allergies, ambulance, american_sign_language_interpreting, anchor, angle_double_down, angle_double_left, angle_double_right, angle_double_up, angle_down, angle_left, angle_right, angle_up, angry, ankh, apple_alt, archive, archway, arrow_alt_circle_down, arrow_alt_circle_left, arrow_alt_circle_right, arrow_alt_circle_up, arrow_circle_down, arrow_circle_left, arrow_circle_right, arrow_circle_up, arrow_down, arrow_left, arrow_right, arrows_alt, arrows_alt_h, arrows_alt_v, arrow_up, assistive_listening_systems, asterisk, at, atlas, atom, audio_description, award, baby, baby_carriage, backspace, backward, balance_scale, ban, band_aid, barcode, bars, baseball_ball, basketball_ball, bath, battery_empty, battery_full, battery_half, battery_quarter, battery_three_quarters, bed, beer, bell, bell_slash, bezier_curve, bible, bicycle, binoculars, biohazard, birthday_cake, blender, blender_phone, blind, blog, bold, bolt, bomb, bone, bong, book, book_dead, bookmark, book_open, book_reader, bowling_ball, box, boxes, box_open, braille, brain, briefcase, briefcase_medical, broadcast_tower, broom, brush, bug, building, bullhorn, bullseye, burn, bus, bus_alt, business_time, calculator, calendar, calendar_alt, calendar_check, calendar_day, calendar_minus, calendar_plus, calendar_times, calendar_week, camera, camera_retro, campground, candy_cane, cannabis, capsules, car, car_alt, car_battery, car_crash, caret_down, caret_left, caret_right, caret_square_down, caret_square_left, caret_square_right, caret_square_up, caret_up, carrot, car_side, cart_arrow_down, cart_plus, cash_register, cat, certificate, chair, chalkboard, chalkboard_teacher, charging_station, chart_area, chart_bar, chart_line, chart_pie, check, check_circle, check_double, check_square, chess, chess_bishop, chess_board, chess_king, chess_knight, chess_pawn, chess_queen, chess_rook, chevron_circle_down, chevron_circle_left, chevron_circle_right, chevron_circle_up, chevron_down, chevron_left, chevron_right, chevron_up, child, church, circle, circle_notch, city, clipboard, clipboard_check, clipboard_list, clock, clone, closed_captioning, cloud, cloud_download_alt, cloud_meatball, cloud_moon, cloud_moon_rain, cloud_rain, cloud_showers_heavy, cloud_sun, cloud_sun_rain, cloud_upload_alt, cocktail, code, code_branch, coffee, cog, cogs, coins, columns, comment, comment_alt, comment_dollar, comment_dots, comments, comments_dollar, comment_slash, compact_disc, compass, compress, compress_arrows_alt, concierge_bell, cookie, cookie_bite, copy, copyright, couch, credit_card, crop, crop_alt, cross, crosshairs, crow, crown, cube, cubes, cut, database, deaf, democrat, desktop, dharmachakra, diagnoses, dice, dice_d20, dice_d6, dice_five, dice_four, dice_one, dice_six, dice_three, dice_two, digital_tachograph, directions, divide, dizzy, dna, dog, dollar_sign, dolly, dolly_flatbed, donate, door_closed, door_open, dot_circle, dove, download, drafting_compass, dragon, draw_polygon, drum, drum_steelpan, drumstick_bite, dumbbell, dumpster, dumpster_fire, dungeon, edit, eject, ellipsis_h, ellipsis_v, envelope, envelope_open, envelope_open_text, envelope_square, equals, eraser, ethernet, euro_sign, exchange_alt, exclamation, exclamation_circle, exclamation_triangle, expand, expand_arrows_alt, external_link_alt, external_link_square_alt, eye, eye_dropper, eye_slash, fast_backward, fast_forward, fax, feather, feather_alt, female, fighter_jet, file, file_alt, file_archive, file_audio, file_code, file_contract, file_csv, file_download, file_excel, file_export, file_image, file_import, file_invoice, file_invoice_dollar, file_medical, file_medical_alt, file_pdf, file_powerpoint, file_prescription, file_signature, file_upload, file_video, file_word, fill, fill_drip, film, filter, fingerprint, fire, fire_alt, fire_extinguisher, first_aid, fish, fist_raised, flag, flag_checkered, flag_usa, flask, flushed, folder, folder_minus, folder_open, folder_plus, font, font_awesome_logo_full, football_ball, forward, frog, frown, frown_open, funnel_dollar, futbol, gamepad, gas_pump, gavel, gem, genderless, ghost, gift, gifts, glass_cheers, glasses, glass_martini, glass_martini_alt, glass_whiskey, globe, globe_africa, globe_americas, globe_asia, globe_europe, golf_ball, gopuram, graduation_cap, greater_than, greater_than_equal, grimace, grin, grin_alt, grin_beam, grin_beam_sweat, grin_hearts, grin_squint, grin_squint_tears, grin_stars, grin_tears, grin_tongue, grin_tongue_squint, grin_tongue_wink, grin_wink, grip_horizontal, grip_lines, grip_lines_vertical, grip_vertical, guitar, hammer, hamsa, hand_holding, hand_holding_heart, hand_holding_usd, hand_lizard, hand_paper, hand_peace, hand_point_down, hand_pointer, hand_point_left, hand_point_right, hand_point_up, hand_rock, hands, hand_scissors, handshake, hands_helping, hand_spock, hanukiah, hashtag, hat_wizard, haykal, hdd, heading, headphones, headphones_alt, headset, heart, heartbeat, heart_broken, helicopter, highlighter, hiking, hippo, history, hockey_puck, holly_berry, home, horse, horse_head, hospital, hospital_alt, hospital_symbol, hotel, hot_tub, hourglass, hourglass_end, hourglass_half, hourglass_start, house_damage, hryvnia, h_square, icicles, i_cursor, id_badge, id_card, id_card_alt, igloo, image, images, inbox, indent, industry, infinity, info, info_circle, italic, jedi, joint, journal_whills, kaaba, key, keyboard, khanda, kiss, kiss_beam, kiss_wink_heart, kiwi_bird, landmark, language, laptop, laptop_code, laugh, laugh_beam, laugh_squint, laugh_wink, layer_group, leaf, lemon, less_than, less_than_equal, level_down_alt, level_up_alt, life_ring, lightbulb, link, lira_sign, list, list_alt, list_ol, list_ul, location_arrow, _lock, lock_open, long_arrow_alt_down, long_arrow_alt_left, long_arrow_alt_right, long_arrow_alt_up, low_vision, luggage_cart, magic, magnet, mail_bulk, male, map, map_marked, map_marked_alt, map_marker, map_marker_alt, map_pin, map_signs, marker, mars, mars_double, mars_stroke, mars_stroke_h, mars_stroke_v, mask, medal, medkit, meh, meh_blank, meh_rolling_eyes, memory, menorah, mercury, meteor, microchip, microphone, microphone_alt, microphone_alt_slash, microphone_slash, microscope, minus, minus_circle, minus_square, mitten, mobile, mobile_alt, money_bill, money_bill_alt, money_bill_wave, money_bill_wave_alt, money_check, money_check_alt, monument, moon, mortar_pestle, mosque, motorcycle, mountain, mouse_pointer, mug_hot, music, network_wired, neuter, newspaper, not_equal, notes_medical, object_group, object_ungroup, oil_can, om, otter, outdent, paint_brush, paint_roller, palette, pallet, paperclip, paper_plane, parachute_box, paragraph, parking, passport, pastafarianism, paste, pause, pause_circle, paw, peace, pen, pen_alt, pencil_alt, pencil_ruler, pen_fancy, pen_nib, pen_square, people_carry, percent, percentage, person_booth, phone, phone_slash, phone_square, phone_volume, piggy_bank, pills, place_of_worship, plane, plane_arrival, plane_departure, play, play_circle, plug, plus, plus_circle, plus_square, podcast, poll, poll_h, poo, poop, poo_storm, portrait, pound_sign, power_off, pray, praying_hands, prescription, prescription_bottle, prescription_bottle_alt, print, procedures, project_diagram, puzzle_piece, qrcode, question, question_circle, quidditch, quote_left, quote_right, quran, radiation, radiation_alt, rainbow, random, receipt, recycle, redo, redo_alt, registered, reply, reply_all, republican, restroom, retweet, ribbon, ring, road, robot, rocket, route, rss, rss_square, ruble_sign, ruler, ruler_combined, ruler_horizontal, ruler_vertical, running, rupee_sign, sad_cry, sad_tear, satellite, satellite_dish, save, school, screwdriver, scroll, sd_card, search, search_dollar, search_location, search_minus, search_plus, seedling, server, shapes, share, share_alt, share_alt_square, share_square, shekel_sign, shield_alt, ship, shipping_fast, shoe_prints, shopping_bag, shopping_basket, shopping_cart, shower, shuttle_van, sign, signal, signature, sign_in_alt, sign_language, sign_out_alt, sim_card, sitemap, skating, skiing, skiing_nordic, skull, skull_crossbones, slash, sleigh, sliders_h, smile, smile_beam, smile_wink, smog, smoking, smoking_ban, sms, snowboarding, snowflake, snowman, snowplow, socks, solar_panel, sort, sort_alpha_down, sort_alpha_up, sort_amount_down, sort_amount_up, sort_down, sort_numeric_down, sort_numeric_up, sort_up, spa, space_shuttle, spider, spinner, splotch, spray_can, square, square_full, square_root_alt, stamp, star, star_and_crescent, star_half, star_half_alt, star_of_david, star_of_life, step_backward, step_forward, stethoscope, sticky_note, stop, stop_circle, stopwatch, store, store_alt, stream, street_view, strikethrough, stroopwafel, subscript, subway, suitcase, suitcase_rolling, sun, superscript, surprise, swatchbook, swimmer, swimming_pool, synagogue, sync, sync_alt, syringe, table, tablet, tablet_alt, table_tennis, tablets, tachometer_alt, tag, tags, tape, tasks, taxi, teeth, teeth_open, temperature_high, temperature_low, tenge, terminal, text_height, text_width, th, theater_masks, thermometer, thermometer_empty, thermometer_full, thermometer_half, thermometer_quarter, thermometer_three_quarters, th_large, th_list, thumbs_down, thumbs_up, thumbtack, ticket_alt, times, times_circle, tint, tint_slash, tired, toggle_off, toggle_on, toilet, toilet_paper, toolbox, tools, tooth, torah, torii_gate, tractor, trademark, traffic_light, train, tram, transgender, transgender_alt, trash, trash_alt, tree, trophy, truck, truck_loading, truck_monster, truck_moving, truck_pickup, tshirt, tty, tv, umbrella, umbrella_beach, underline, undo, undo_alt, universal_access, university, unlink, unlock, unlock_alt, upload, user, user_alt, user_alt_slash, user_astronaut, user_check, user_circle, user_clock, user_cog, user_edit, user_friends, user_graduate, user_injured, user_lock, user_md, user_minus, user_ninja, user_plus, users, users_cog, user_secret, user_shield, user_slash, user_tag, user_tie, user_times, utensils, utensil_spoon, vector_square, venus, venus_double, venus_mars, vial, vials, video, video_slash, vihara, volleyball_ball, volume_down, volume_mute, volume_off, volume_up, vote_yea, vr_cardboard, walking, wallet, warehouse, water, weight, weight_hanging, wheelchair, wifi, wind, window_close, window_maximize, window_minimize, window_restore, wine_bottle, wine_glass, wine_glass_alt, won_sign, wrench, x_ray, yen_sign, yin_yang, _500px, accessible_icon, accusoft, acquisitions_incorporated, adn, adobe, adversal, affiliatetheme, algolia, alipay, amazon, amazon_pay, amilia, android, angellist, angrycreative, angular, apper, apple, apple_pay, app_store, app_store_ios, artstation, asymmetrik, atlassian, audible, autoprefixer, avianex, aviato, aws, bandcamp, behance, behance_square, bimobject, bitbucket, bitcoin, bity, blackberry, black_tie, blogger, blogger_b, bluetooth, bluetooth_b, btc, buromobelexperte, buysellads, canadian_maple_leaf, cc_amazon_pay, cc_amex, cc_apple_pay, cc_diners_club, cc_discover, cc_jcb, cc_mastercard, cc_paypal, cc_stripe, cc_visa, centercode, centos, chrome, cloudscale, cloudsmith, cloudversify, codepen, codiepie, confluence, connectdevelop, contao, cpanel, creative_commons, creative_commons_by, creative_commons_nc, creative_commons_nc_eu, creative_commons_nc_jp, creative_commons_nd, creative_commons_pd, creative_commons_pd_alt, creative_commons_remix, creative_commons_sa, creative_commons_sampling, creative_commons_sampling_plus, creative_commons_share, creative_commons_zero, critical_role, css3, css3_alt, cuttlefish, d_and_d, d_and_d_beyond, dashcube, delicious, deploydog, deskpro, dev, deviantart, dhl, diaspora, digg, digital_ocean, discord, discourse, dochub, docker, draft2digital, dribbble, dribbble_square, dropbox, drupal, dyalog, earlybirds, ebay, edge, elementor, ello, ember, empire, envira, erlang, ethereum, etsy, expeditedssl, facebook, facebook_f, facebook_messenger, facebook_square, fantasy_flight_games, fedex, fedora, figma, firefox, firstdraft, first_order, first_order_alt, flickr, flipboard, fly, font_awesome, font_awesome_alt, font_awesome_flag, fonticons, fonticons_fi, fort_awesome, fort_awesome_alt, forumbee, foursquare, freebsd, free_code_camp, fulcrum, galactic_republic, galactic_senate, get_pocket, gg, gg_circle, git, github, github_alt, github_square, gitkraken, gitlab, git_square, gitter, glide, glide_g, gofore, goodreads, goodreads_g, google, google_drive, google_play, google_plus, google_plus_g, google_plus_square, google_wallet, gratipay, grav, gripfire, grunt, gulp, hacker_news, hacker_news_square, hackerrank, hips, hire_a_helper, hooli, hornbill, hotjar, houzz, html5, hubspot, imdb, instagram, intercom, internet_explorer, invision, ioxhost, itunes, itunes_note, java, jedi_order, jenkins, jira, joget, joomla, js, jsfiddle, js_square, kaggle, keybase, keycdn, kickstarter, kickstarter_k, korvue, laravel, lastfm, lastfm_square, leanpub, less, line, linkedin, linkedin_in, linode, linux, lyft, magento, mailchimp, mandalorian, markdown, mastodon, maxcdn, medapps, medium, medium_m, medrt, meetup, megaport, mendeley, microsoft, mix, mixcloud, mizuni, modx, monero, napster, neos, nimblr, nintendo_switch, node, node_js, npm, ns8, nutritionix, odnoklassniki, odnoklassniki_square, old_republic, opencart, openid, opera, optin_monster, osi, page4, pagelines, palfed, patreon, paypal, penny_arcade, periscope, phabricator, phoenix_framework, phoenix_squadron, php, pied_piper, pied_piper_alt, pied_piper_hat, pied_piper_pp, pinterest, pinterest_p, pinterest_square, playstation, product_hunt, pushed, python, qq, quinscape, quora, raspberry_pi, ravelry, react, reacteurope, readme, rebel, reddit, reddit_alien, reddit_square, redhat, red_river, renren, replyd, researchgate, resolving, rev, rocketchat, rockrms, r_project, safari, sass, schlix, scribd, searchengin, sellcast, sellsy, servicestack, shirtsinbulk, shopware, simplybuilt, sistrix, sith, sketch, skyatlas, skype, slack, slack_hash, slideshare, snapchat, snapchat_ghost, snapchat_square, soundcloud, sourcetree, speakap, spotify, squarespace, stack_exchange, stack_overflow, staylinked, steam, steam_square, steam_symbol, sticker_mule, strava, stripe, stripe_s, studiovinari, stumbleupon, stumbleupon_circle, superpowers, supple, suse, teamspeak, telegram, telegram_plane, tencent_weibo, themeco, themeisle, the_red_yeti, think_peaks, trade_federation, trello, tripadvisor, tumblr, tumblr_square, twitch, twitter, twitter_square, typo3, uber, ubuntu, uikit, uniregistry, untappd, ups, usb, usps, ussunnah, vaadin, viacoin, viadeo, viadeo_square, viber, vimeo, vimeo_square, vimeo_v, vine, vk, vnv, vuejs, weebly, weibo, weixin, whatsapp, whatsapp_square, whmcs, wikipedia_w, windows, wix, wizards_of_the_coast, wolf_pack_battalion, wordpress, wordpress_simple, wpbeginner, wpexplorer, wpforms, wpressr, xbox, xing, xing_square, yahoo, yandex, yandex_international, yarn, y_combinator, yelp, yoast, youtube, youtube_square, zhihu, address_book_o, address_card_o, vcard_o, vcard, signing, asl_interpreting, arrow_circle_o_down, arrow_circle_o_left, arrow_circle_o_right, arrow_circle_o_up, arrows, arrows_h, arrows_v, reorder, navicon, bathtub, s15, battery_0, battery, battery_4, battery_2, battery_1, battery_3, bell_o, bell_slash_o, flash, bookmark_o, building_o, calendar_o, calendar_check_o, calendar_minus_o, calendar_plus_o, calendar_times_o, automobile, caret_square_o_down, caret_square_o_left, caret_square_o_right, toggle_down, toggle_left, toggle_right, caret_square_o_up, toggle_up, area_chart, bar_chart_o, bar_chart, line_chart, pie_chart, check_circle_o, check_square_o, circle_o, circle_thin, circle_o_notch, clock_o, cloud_download, cloud_upload, code_fork, gear, gears, comment_o, commenting, commenting_o, comments_o, files_o, credit_card_alt, cc, scissors, deafness, hard_of_hearing, usd, dollar, dot_circle_o, envelope_o, envelope_open_o, euro, eur, exchange, warning, external_link_square, external_link, eyedropper, file_o, file_text_o, file_text, file_zip_o, file_archive_o, file_audio_o, file_sound_o, file_code_o, file_excel_o, file_photo_o, file_picture_o, file_image_o, file_pdf_o, file_powerpoint_o, file_movie_o, file_video_o, file_word_o, flag_o, folder_o, folder_open_o, frown_o, futbol_o, soccer_ball_o, legal, diamond, mortar_board, hand_lizard_o, hand_paper_o, hand_stop_o, hand_peace_o, hand_o_down, hand_pointer_o, hand_o_left, hand_o_right, hand_o_up, hand_rock_o, hand_grab_o, hand_scissors_o, handshake_o, hand_spock_o, hdd_o, header, heart_o, hospital_o, hourglass_o, hourglass_1, hourglass_2, hourglass_3, drivers_license_o, drivers_license, id_card_o, photo, picture_o, keyboard_o, lemon_o, level_down, level_up, life_bouy, life_buoy, support, life_saver, lightbulb_o, chain, turkish_lira, _try, long_arrow_down, long_arrow_left, long_arrow_right, long_arrow_up, map_o, meh_o, minus_square_o, money, moon_o, newspaper_o, dedent, send, paper_plane_o, send_o, pause_circle_o, pencil_square, pencil_square_o, pencil, mobile_phone, volume_control_phone, bank, plus_square_o, play_circle_o, gbp, question_circle_o, rotate_right, repeat, mail_reply, mail_reply_all, feed, rouble, ruble, rub, inr, rupee, floppy_o, mail_forward, share_square_o, ils, shekel, sheqel, shield, sign_in, sign_out, sliders, smile_o, snowflake_o, unsorted, sort_alpha_asc, sort_alpha_desc, sort_amount_asc, sort_amount_desc, sort_asc, sort_numeric_asc, sort_numeric_desc, sort_desc, square_o, star_o, star_half_empty, star_half_o, star_half_full, sticky_note_o, stop_circle_o, sun_o, refresh, tachometer, dashboard, cab, thermometer_0, thermometer_4, thermometer_2, thermometer_1, thermometer_3, thumb_tack, thumbs_o_down, thumbs_o_up, ticket, times_rectangle, remove, times_rectangle_o, times_circle_o, intersex, trash_o, television, rotate_left, institution, chain_broken, user_o, user_circle_o, group, cutlery, spoon, wheelchair_alt, window_close_o, close, glass, won, krw, cny, jpy, yen, rmb, bitbucket_square, ge, facebook_official, fa, google_plus_official, google_plus_circle, gittip, linkedin_square, ra, resistance, eercast, yc, y_combinator_square, yc_square, youtube_play

Required: False Position: 1 Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False ```

-Id Set css id property

```yaml Type: String Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases:

Required: False Position: 0 Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False ```


```yaml Type: SwitchParameter Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases:

Required: False Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False ```


```yaml Type: SwitchParameter Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases:

Required: False Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False ```


```yaml Type: String Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Accepted values: right, left

Required: False Position: 6 Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False ```

-Pulse Use this to have the icon to rotate with 8 steps

```yaml Type: SwitchParameter Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases:

Required: False Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False ```

-Regular This switch if define will search the icon in the FontAwesome regular pack, if the icon is not in the regular pack the command will used the fallback icon in the solid pack.

```yaml Type: SwitchParameter Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases:

Required: False Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False ```

-Rotation Wil rotate the icon by 90 degress

```yaml Type: Int32 Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases:

Required: False Position: 2 Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False ```

-Size Set the size of the icon

```yaml Type: String Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Accepted values: xs, sm, lg, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x, 8x, 9x, 10x

Required: False Position: 7 Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False ```

-Spin Will spin the icon like loading animation

```yaml Type: SwitchParameter Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases:

Required: False Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False ```

-Style Set css attributes on the icon like color etc...

```yaml Type: Hashtable Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases:

Required: False Position: 8 Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False ```


```yaml Type: String Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases:

Required: False Position: 9 Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False ```

-Transform Thanks to the power of SVG in Font Awesome 5, you can scale, position, flip, & rotate icons arbitrarily using the data-fa-transform element attribute.

You can even combine them for some super-useful effects.

```yaml Type: String Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases:

Required: False Position: 4 Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False ```

CommonParameters This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable.

For more information, see about_CommonParameters (






Type: UniversalDashboard.Models.FontAwesomeIcons
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Type: System.Int32
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Type: System.Collections.Hashtable
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.




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